Back in the late 1960s, when I was finishing up my undergraduate studies, house plants were all the rage. In the trade we referred to them as foliage plants and had it not been for the draft and the Vietnam War my path might very well have been through the vast foliage growers of Encinitas, California, where range after range of greenhouses were packed with ferns, palms, golden pothos, snake plants, philodendrons, Swedish ivy and, of course, spider plants.
Walking through a greenhouse with all these plants was much like having your own oxygen tank. It was invigorating to breathe the air with the elevated levels of not only oxygen but also humidity and generally good vibes from all those little photosynthesis factories. You just knew it was healthy to be in this kind of environment.
Fast forward 50 years, and the homes we live in — and the offices we work in — are so well insulated and hermetically sealed that there is very little air exchange. Add to that all the synthetic materials that we use to build and decorate our homes with and you have a recipe for a very unhealthy environment.
It can be so bad that there is something called the “sick building syndrome,” in which people suffer headaches, contract virus infections and develop allergies because of the compounds in the air. The main culprit is something called a VOC, or volatile organic compound, which can be emitted from carpeting, particle board, plastic furniture, cleaning compounds and a plethora of other sources that are prevalent in most homes and offices.
The good news is that plants filter these VOCs out of the air. They are literally a living air filter and that is a very good thing. House plants are not always the easiest plant to grow because of low light, lack of humidity and general neglect from homeowners, but a few simple tricks will help growers find success.
When first bringing home a new plant be careful not to overwater it. Invest in an inexpensive moisture meter that will tell you when to water. Most homeowners kill house plants by overwatering.
The plant needs to adjust to its new environment, which is almost always darker and drier. Keep plants as close to windows as possible as the light intensity diminishes rapidly as you move away from the light source.
Watch for insects like scale, mealy bugs, white flies, spider mites and aphids and don’t let them get out of hand. Fertilize more in the summer and less in the winter with a soluble fertilizer like Miracle-Gro. Keep foliage dust free. Repot as needed, but remember that most house plants don’t mind being a little pot-bound.
This is an excellent time of year to select some new plants for your home. Garden centers have good supplies during the winter months and they can assist you in selecting the best and easiest varieties to grow for your home. Some varieties need high light while others will almost grow in the closet.
Just like in the garden, it’s important to put the right plant in the right place. So go find some new air filters to decorate and make your home healthier. You’ll breathe a lot easier.
Steve Smith is owner of Sunnyside Nursery in Marysville and can be reached online at
Upcoming class
A class about selecting and growing house plants will be held at 10 a.m. Oct. 24 at Sunnyside Nursery. For more information or to register, go to
House plants can do amazing things
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