Nikola Tesla Secret

Monday, 27 April 2015

Wind Prospect teams up in Poland

Law firm Solivan and renewable energy company Wind Prospect are offering an auditing service to help developers of wind farms in Poland.

The companies offer what they call a “red flag” audit to explore the possibilities of a prospective project.

They have outlined 15 measures to help optimise a wind farm investment and the audit will explore how best the measures can be implemented.

The audit follows a step-by-step process, the companies said.

Step one is a general estimation of potential for revenue increase and cost savings for the project, overview of the main risks.

Step two is a comprehensive due diligence covering all 15 measures to provide an overview about specific revenue increases and cost savings, introducing timelines and costings for the measures.

Step three is the implementation and review of the chosen options from the measures.

The Polish focus follows the EU Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines in July 2014, which mean that the 2016 Contracts for Difference auction system in Poland will require developers and investors to take a more professional approach to their investment in renewable energy.

The auction system will require competitive tenders between projects and between technologies which the companies “anticipate will generally lead to lower levels of tariff support and may mean a lower return on investment unless action is taken now to optimize your project”.

Solivan and Wind Prospect said that to be competitive in the auction system, “business plans for wind farm investments have to be optimized regarding CAPEX, OPEX and revenues”.

They added: “Professional planning and documentation, optimization of construction and financing costs, accurate long term projection of revenues and optimization of operational costs will attract those investors who can accept a lower tariff, whilst continuing to maximize return on investment and delivering acceptable yields for developers at exit”.

Image: sxc

Wind Prospect teams up in Poland

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